fmAccounting Link (MYOB AccountRight Edition) Version History

2.2 - 21 August 2024

  • fix for MYOB API Cloud Authentication changes and new redirect URL

2.1 - 14 June 2023

  • added support for Receive Money Transactions
  • added support for Spend Money Transactions

2.0.4 - 14 April 2023

  • updated cURL options to use trace-ascii instead of trace

2.0.3 - 24/05/2021

  • fixed issue with uploading Ship To Address and carriage returns/line feeds for Invoices, Orders, Bills and Purchase Orders

2.0.2 - 16/05/2021

  • Invoices: updated to set Payment Item Invoice ID to correct FileMaker record to handle Payments for multiple Invoices/Allocations
  • Orders: updated to set Payment Item Order ID to correct FileMaker record to handle Payments for multiple Orders/Allocations

v2.0.1 - 20/07/2021

  • updated to set the MYOB Purchase Order Number value into the MYOBPurchaseOrderNumber field when downloading from MYOB and creating new Purchase Orders from FileMaker
  • updated to set the MYOB Bill Number value into the MYOBBillNumber field when downloading from MYOB and creating new Bills from FileMaker

v2.0 - 14/06/2021

  • updated to use native FileMaker scripts and functions only (requires FileMaker v16 or later)
  • removed all references to the BaseElements FileMaker plugin functions
  • replaced DeclareVariables custom function with JSON functions for passing script parameters
  • updated all popup windows to Card windows
  • updated header navigation to use native Button Bar
  • updated ErrorDescription custom function for FileMaker Pro v19
  • updated Trim4 custom function to 1.0v3
  • replaced global variables used for authenticating with MYOB with direct field references
  • updated Primary Key fields to use the Get (UUID) function
  • deleted the UUID fields in each table as these are now redundant
  • Items: added Number field to replace use of _kp_ItemID field as the Item Number field
  • renamed all ‘_kf_ItemID’ fields to ‘ItemNumber’ so you are always matching an ItemNumber field against another ItemNumber field
  • OAuth 2.0 Token expiry timestamp now set using Get (CurrentHostTimestamp) instead of Get ( CurrentTimestamp ) to better handle users in different timezones
  • updated OAuth 2.0 authentication to store tokens in regular fields so they persist between sessions
  • if using Cloud/Single Sign On with linked my.MYOB login company file username/password not required
  • Update Current Contact from MYOB: now incorporates the Update Current Contact Balances from MYOB script functionality
  • Contacts: added new field DisplayID which maps to the MYOB Contact DisplayID field (replaced previous mapping of _kp_ContactID field)
  • Get All Contacts By Type: now checks for existing Contact by MYOB Contact ID
  • Invoices: added new field InvoiceNumber which maps to the MYOB Invoice Number field (replaced previous mapping of _kp_InvoiceID field)
  • Update Current Invoice from MYOB script now incorporates the Get Balance for Current Invoice from MYOB script functionality
  • Payments: added new field ReceiptNumber which maps to the MYOB ReceiptNumber field (replaced previous mapping of _kp_PaymentID field)
  • Jobs: added new field JobNumber which maps to the MYOB Job Number field (replaced previous mapping of _kp_JobID field)
  • Jobs: renamed JobUID field to _kf_MYOBJobID
  • Get All Jobs: now checks for existing Job by MYOB Job ID
  • Update Current Item Custom Price Levels from MYOB script: update to set the Items::CustomPriceLevelRowVersion field
  • Inventory Adjustments: update to only show Inventoried Items when adding new item
  • Items: renamed PrimarySupplierUID field to _kf_PrimarySupplierMYOBContactID
  • Orders: added new field OrderNumber which maps to the MYOB Order Number field (replaced previous mapping of _kp_OrderID field)
  • Update Current Order from MYOB: now incorporates the Get Balance for Current Order from MYOB script functionality
  • Employees: added new field EmployeeNumber which maps to the MYOB DisplayID field (replaced previous mapping of _kp_EmployeeID field)
  • Bills: added new field BillNumber which maps to the MYOB Bill Number field (replaced previous mapping of _kp_BillID field)
  • Get All Bills: now checks for existing Bill by MYOB Bill ID
  • Purchase Orders: added new field PurchaseOrderNumber which maps to the MYOB Purchase Order Number field (replaced previous mapping of _kp_PurchaseOrderID field)
  • Get All Purchase Orders: now checks for existing Purchase Order by MYOB Purchase Order ID
  • BillItems: renamed JobUID field to _kf_MYOBJobID
  • OrderItems: renamed JobUID field to _kf_MYOBJobID
  • PurchaseOrderItems: renamed JobUID field to _kf_MYOBJobID
  • Jobs: added navigation to related Bills, Orders and Purchase Orders
  • Items: added navigation to related Bills and Orders
  • Employees: fixed issue with uploading Employee Address to MYOB
  • added ServerSideErrors table for use when debugging server scripts
  • miscellaneous bug fixes

v1.48 - 01/06/2021

  • optimised processing of bulk downloads (Contacts , Invoices etc) by breaking each individual record into a separate $record variable within the loop
  • Get All Inventory Items script: fixed issue with downloading RowVersion in native branch (was using plug-in function)
  • Get All EmployeePaymentDetails script: fixed issue with native branch steps still using plug-in functions
  • Get All Payroll Categories script: remove check for date range
  • updated Invoices upload to only upload the first 255 characters of the CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber (CustomerPONumber field) to comply with API limit

v1.47 - 18/12/2020

  • fixed issue with Trial Privilege Set record access privileges

v1.46 - 17/10/2020

  • added example to get the latest Contacts RowVersion value
  • added example to get the latest Invoices RowVersion value

v1.45 – 22/6/2020

  • updated Items::MYOBItemJSON calculation formula for plug-in branch to better handle uploading inventoried Items
  • updated Items::MYOBItemJSON calculation formula for plug-in branch to upload the AssetAccount for inventoried Items only
  • Delete API Requests: fixed native branch HTTP Verb (changed to DELETE instead of GET)
  • Delete API Requests : updated native branch to check for Response Code = 200 and $lastError = 10 (not a request error)
  • Invoices: added script to search for MYOB Invoice by Invoice Number
  • Bills: added script to search for MYOB Bill by Bill Number
  • Purchase Orders: added script to search for MYOB Purchase Order by Purchase Order Number

v1.42 – 4/3/2020

  • updated Invoices:: ShippingMethod auto-enter calculation formula to correctly default to the Contacts ShippingMethod
  • fixed issue with downloading active Inventory Items in native branch

v1.41 – 15/1/2020

  • updated Create Contact in MYOB script to include the Address Location and Address Street fields for the native branch
  • updated Create Contact in MYOB script to set the JSON data type for some Term fields to JSONNumber to handle empty values
  • updated Create Invoice in MYOB script to set the JSON data type for some Term fields to JSONNumber to handle empty values
  • updated Create Order in MYOB in MYOB script to set the JSON data type for some Term fields to JSONNumber to handle empty values
  • updated Create Purchase Order in MYOB script to set the JSON data type for some Term fields to JSONNumber to handle empty values
  • updated Create Bill in MYOB script to set the JSON data type for some Term fields to JSONNumber to handle empty values

v1.4 – 19/12/2019

  • updated to BaseElements plug-in to v3.3.8 (Code Signed) for FileMaker Pro 18 compatibility
  • updated for native FileMaker Pro v16 or higher functions/scripts
  • updated Customer Payments upload to correctly handle Order Payments
  • added script trigger to the PaymentItems::_kf_MYOBInvoiceID and PaymentItems::_kf_MYOBOrderID fields on the Payments Form layout to set the MYOB ID when manually adding a Payment Allocation
  • Create Invoice in MYOB: fixed issue when updating the InvoiceItems ShipQuantity field for non Item Invoices
  • added script to search for MYOB Contact with same Company Name or Individual Name
  • added script to search for MYOB Contact by Card ID
  • fixed issue in Convert Order to Invoice script when creating the Invoice Items from the Order Items
  • added Timesheets examples (download and upload)
  • added download PayrollCategories example

v1.3 – 11/12/2018

  • added Inventory Adjustments examples
  • added Orders examples
  • added Supplier Payments examples
  • added Item Price Matrix (Custom Price Levels) examples
  • added button to manually enter/re-enter MYOB Company File login credentials
  • updated Invoices to only upload the first 255 characters of the line item description (API limits)
  • updated Bills to only upload the first 255 characters of the line item description (API limits)
  • updated Purchase Orders to only upload the first 255 characters of the line item description (API limits)
  • updated Item to only upload the first 255 characters of the description and first 30 characters of Name (API limits)
  • updated Contacts (Customers) to only upload the first 50 characters of the Company Name (API limits)
  • updated Contacts (Customers)to only upload the first 30 characters of the Last Name (API limits)
  • updated Contacts (Customers)to only upload the first 50 characters of the Company Name (API limits)
  • updated Contacts (Suppliers) to only upload the first 50 characters of the Company Name (API limits)
  • updated Contacts (Suppliers)to only upload the first 50 characters of the Last Name (API limits)
  • updated Contacts (Suppliers)to only upload the first 50 characters of the Company Name (API limits)
  • updated Contacts downloads to include CurrentBalance, Credit Available and Credit PastDue
  • added new button/script to just get the Contact Balances from MYOB
  • fixed bug with uploading Bills that were converted from a Purchase Order
  • added LibraryPath field to Companies table
  • added ProductVersion to All Company Files value list
  • updated MYOBItemJSON calculation formula
  • added button to download current balance from MYOB for an Invoice
  • added button to download any Customer Payments from MYOB for an Invoice
  • fixed bug in Get All FormTemplates script (was referencing Categories table not FormTemplates)
  • fixed bug with BillDeliveryStatus when uploading/downloading Bills
  • added InvoiceDelivery and PurchaseOrderDelivery fields to Contacts Form layout
  • added InvoiceDeliveryStatus to Invoices layouts
  • added OrderDeliveryStatus to Purchase Orders layouts
  • added BillDeliveryStatus to Bills layouts
  • updated Bill Items download to download BackorderQuantity for line items
  • updated Invoices upload to delete and refresh Invoice Line Items so latest Invoice Line Item RowVersions are stored
  • updated Invoices layouts to only show Customer Contacts in the Contact ID field

v1.26 – 13/03/2018

  • fixed trial version privileges for Purchase Orders and Bills
  • when downloading Invoices from MYOB and uploading Invoices to MYOB it now stores the MYOB Invoice Number

v1.25 – 23/02/2018

  • added Bills examples
  • fixed issue with Purchase Orders Supplier Contacts value list
  • deselected “Do not replace existing value of field” for UnitPrice in PurchaseOrderItems and InvoiceItems tables
  • fixed URL bug in Get All Service PurchaseOrders script when not filtering by date range
  • modified Purchase Order Line Items to reference BillQuantity instead of ShipQuantity

v1.21 – 27/11/2017

  • updated Get Invoices scripts to check for existing Invoice by MYOB ID and skip if already exists
  • updated Get Payments script to check for existing Payment by MYOB ID and skip if already exists
  • added new option to Get Payments script for Payment Date Range (between 2 dates)
  • added new option to Get Invoices scripts for Invoice Date Range (between 2 dates)

v1.2 – 31/10/2017

  • added Purchase Orders examples
  • minor changes to the MYOBItemJSON calculation formula to prevent JSON syntax errors
  • when uploading Invoices the JournalMemo value is retrieved if this field is empty in FileMaker
  • added JournalMemo field to Invoices layouts
  • fixed bug with Purchase Orders Supplier Contacts value list
  • updated Get Inventory scripts to download LastPurchasePrice field (read only)
  • updated upload scripts to check that the $parameters variable is not empty
  • updated Invoices ShipToAddress to include Customer Company Name

v1.13 – 23/05/2017

  • fixed issue with Set HTTP Headers subscript when uploading found set of records

v1.12 – 07/04/2017

  • added Get MYOB Invoice PDF (download the MYOB PDF for an Invoice to FileMaker)
  • changed rounding in Invoices to not round the InvoiceItem Tax Amount and round the Total Tax amount
  • fixed InvoiceItems List layout showing incorrect field for Account Code
  • changed InvoiceItems::UnitPrice field auto-enter calculation to “do not replace existing value” to prevent this being blank for non Item type Invoices when changing the Tax Code
  • updated to Base Elements plug-in v3.3.4

v1.11 – 06/03/2017

  • fixed issue navigating from MYOB Company layout to selected Job
  • updated reset script to also reset the Interface::LinkedMyMYOBLogin field
  • trial version changes

v1.1 – 30/01/2017

  • added Jobs endpoint examples
  • added JobBudgets endpoint examples
  • updated GeneralJournals to download/upload Job IDs
  • updated Invoices to download/upload Job IDs
  • modified GeneralJournals Form layout to only show non header Accounts
  • updated InvoiceItems and GeneralJournalItems to use the MYOBDisplayUID for upload calculations

v1.0.9 – 16/01/2017

  • added timestamps to GET GeneralJournals script
  • added Total Debit/Total Credit fields to GeneralJournals list view

v1.0.8 – 12/01/2017

  • updated to Base Elements plug-in v3.3.3
  • fixed missing New Record step in Create new Employee Record script
  • added support for Company File User IDs linked with a my.MYOB login
  • fixed bug in Create Contact in MYOB script (missing Show Dialog step for found set confirmation)
  • added GeneralJournals endpoint examples (GET, PUT and POST)

v1.0.7 – 23/11/2016

  • added test to Invoice Payment upload for MYOB Invoice ID value
  • fixed bug with ContactsLastModifiedTimestamp not being updated when downloading Contacts by timestamp

v1.0.6 – 07/11/2016

  • updated all Invoice Types to support Header rows
  • added Round function to Invoice Items Unit Price auto-enter calculation

v1.0.5 – 04/11/2016

  • updated Service Invoice Items to support Header rows when uploading

v1.0.4 – 05/10/2016

  • updated Invoice layouts line items Account Code to only show non header Accounts (cannot upload Invoice Item to a Header Account)
  • fixed bug in OnFirstWindowOpen script when setting the $$myobCompanyBaseURL correctly for Cloud users
  • removed the auto-complete using existing values for the Invoices::Customer PO No. field
  • updated script ‘Get All Invoices’ to set the $currentTimestamp variable

v1.0.3 – 10/05/2016

  • fixed bug with Create Item script when checking MYOB Item ID for POST or PUT request
  • fixed bug with Invoices Total Payments calculation

v1.0.2 – 02/05/2016

  • added Read Only fields to GET Inventory Items
  • added new module: FormTemplates
  • updated Contacts to upload/download Form Template
  • updated Contacts conditional formatting for mandatory fields to reflect only those mandatory for a Customer or a Supplier

v1.0.1 – 19/04/2016

  • added option to delete existing Company Files record when downloading
  • changed Desktop API Authentication Web Viewer display to address issue with Windows not displaying contents correctly

v1.0 – 12/04/2016

  • initial public release

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