SMS Gateway - TextMagic

The TextMagic SMS Gateway delivers SMS messages internationally.

Incoming Messages/Replies

You can get incoming messages/replies to your TextMagic number into the fmSMS file via the use of Webhooks to have TextMagic push these automatically to fmSMS. Using Webhooks is the preferred method as it saves you from having to poll/check for any new messages - with Webhooks new messages are forward to fmSMS automatically by TextMagic as they are received.

TextMagic Webhooks Setup

To receive incoming SMS messages to your TextMagic number, including replies to previously sent messages, you will need to use the supplied dedicatedNumberReply.php webhook file to act as the webhook receiver. See our Webhooks guide for what you need to do host the dedicatedNumberReply.php file on your chosen web server. Once you have the publicly accessible URL for this file you can enter this into your TextMagic account settings as follows:

  1. login to your TextMagic account via their website
  2. from the left navigation menu click Services > API
  3. click on the API v2 Settings tab
  4. enter the URL in the Callback URL for incoming messages field
  5. click Save Changes

It should look similar to this screenshot:

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