Is FileMaker WebDirect supported?
There is an issue with authenticating with the MYOB API when using a Web Viewer and FileMaker WebDirect. When you click the Authenticate button when accessing the fmAccounting Link file using WebDirect you will see this error:
Web Viewers on a layout work differently in WebDirect compared to the FileMaker Pro application. In WebDirect these appear within an iframe - this combination of a Web Viewer in WebDirect doesn't appear to be supported by the MYOB Authentication service. There are a number of workarounds:
1. perform the initial authentication using the FileMaker Pro application. Once you have authenticated for the first time you no longer need to use the Web Viewer as long as your refresh token doesn't expire. The refresh token expires after 1 week so you would need to setup a script schedule to run at least once a week to ensure the refresh token doesn't expire which would require a further authentication. See our article on server side scripts support for further details.
2. it is possible to modify the authentication script called by WebDirect to open a new browser tab to perform the MYOB OAuth process. We have developed a simple html page that you can host that you can use as your Redirect URI which will generate the code parameter which you can then copy and pass back to WebDirect to complete the authentication process where it swaps the code for a token. Please contact us for further details if you wish to implement this.
The fmAccounting Link (MYOB AccountRight Edition) solution doesn’t include any FileMaker WebDirect specific layouts but you can use FileMaker WebDirect to upload and download between FileMaker and MYOB AccountRight once you have completed the initial authentication and generated the Access and Refresh Tokens.