fmSMS Claris Connect Webhooks

If you are also a Claris Connect customer you can setup Webhooks in Claris Connect to receive incoming messages from your SMS Gateway. This is usually a much simpler process than using the supplied PHP files for the FileMaker Data API as you don't need to worry about hosting the files and dealing with web servers, PHP configuration changes, port forwarding etc. 

Claris Connect will connect to your copy of fmSMS hosted on FileMaker Server 18.0.4 and FileMaker Cloud 2.18.0 or later and the Claris FileMaker Data API must be enabled on the server. A valid SSL certificate must also be installed. You can get more information on the requirements for connecting to a hosted FileMaker file in the Claris Connect Help here:

You can get more information on setting up Claris Connect Webhooks in our Webhooks Using Claris Connect guide.

If you are using the Twilio SMS Gateway make sure you reference the Twilio Webhooks using Claris Connect article as Claris Connect has native support for handling incoming messages from Twilio.

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