fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) Version History
2.3 - 2024-09-22
- added support for Order Refunds
- added support for DraftOrders
- added support for TenderTransactions
2.2.2 - 2024-02-01
- added example to upload Order Tags to Shopify
2.2.1 - 2024-01-21
- updated $nextPageURL Set Variable script step calculation to resolve issue with paginated responses
2.2 - 2024-01-03
- updated ShopifyAPIVersion custom function to 2024-01
- Orders table: deleted ProcessingMethod field which has been removed from the Order resource
- OrderShippingLines table: deleted DeliveryCategory field which has been removed from the ShippingLine REST Admin API
- Fulfillment Events: added support for creating new Fulfillment Events and uploading to Shopify
- Orders; created new value list for FulfillmentStatus field
- InventoryItems: added support for entering Harmonized System (HS) codes
- miscellaneous bug fixes
2.1.9 - 2023-12-22
- added support for uploading Order metafields from FileMaker to Shopify
2.1.8 - 2023-03-01
- added support for Otto Webhooks
- updated cURL options to use trace-ascii instead of trace
- added new join table FulfillmentOrdersFulfillmentsJoin to link FulfillmentOrder to multiple Fulfillments
- deleted FulfillmentOrders::_kf_FulfillmentID field
2.1.7 - 2023-01-15
- deleted Set Field step with missing field reference from Create Fulfillment for Current Fulfillment Order and Download Fulfillments for Current Fulfillment Order scripts
2.1.6 - 2023-01-12
- miscellaneous bug fixes
2.1.5 - 2022-12-21
- updated ShopifyAPIVersion custom function to 2022-10
- updated to support FulfillmentOrders and Fulfillments API changes
- removed FulfillmentService field from ProductVariants and OrderItems tables as these have been deprecated
2.1.1 - 2022-11-04
- Product Variants: updated to use JSONNull when compare_at_price is empty when uploading to Shopify
- Metafields: changed value_type references to type (value_type is deprecated and replaced by type in API version 2021-07) for the following scripts: Update Product Variant from Shopify, Create Product Variant in Shopify, Update Current Product from Shopify [SERVER], Update Current Product from Shopify, Create Product in Shopify, Create Product in Shopify [SERVER], Create Custom Collection in Shopify
2.1 - 2022-02-15
- removed the FlagForceSSL field which has been deprecated by Shopify
- updated to authenticate with Custom apps using access tokens (Private apps are deprecated as of January 2022)
2.0.5 - 2021-11-20
- updated ShopifyAPIVersion custom function to 2021-10
- added support for Customer Metafields (download and upload)
- fixed issue when uploading Product Metafields to check for existing Shopify ID correctly
- Product Images: added Update Product Image Alt Tag in Shopify example
- Metafields: change value_type references to type (value_type is deprecated and replaced by type in API version 2021-07)
- updated Metafield Value Type value list with new type options
- miscellaneous bug fixes
2.0.2 - 2021-09-19
- added Webhook: OrderTransaction Create webhook example
- Process Webhooks Order: updated to also download Order Transactions
- Order Transactions: changed data type of CreatedAt field to timestamp, added new field ProcessedAt and deleted UpdatedAt field
- added new example script: Update Product Variant Barcodes in Shopify - Found Set
- added Open Product Variant in Shopify Admin button/script
- miscellaneous bug fixes
2.0.1 - 2021-06-14
- added status=any parameter to the Get All Orders script for the since_id option
2.0 - 2021-05-24
- added new script: Update Current Inventory Level from Shopify (updates single Inventory Level from Shopify)
- updated to use native FileMaker scripts and functions only (requires FileMaker v16 or later)
- removed all references to the BaseElements FileMaker plugin functions
- replaced DeclareVariables custom function with JSON functions for passing script parameters
- updated all popup windows to Card windows
- updated header navigation to use native Button Bar
- replaced $$fmShopifyWebsite, $$fmShopifyAPIKey, $$fmShopifyAPIPassword and $$fmShopifyAPIRecordsLimit global variables with direct field references
- updated ErrorDescription custom function for FileMaker Pro v19
- updated Trim4 custom function to 1.0v3
- fixed issue with product name in Help menu
- miscellaneous bug fixes
1.5.14 - 2021-09-19
- added new example script: Update Product Variant Barcodes in Shopify - Found Set
1.5.13 - 2021-06-14
- added status=any parameter to the Get All Orders script for the since_id option
1.5.12 - 2021-05-18
- added support for since_id option when downloading Orders from Shopify (Show orders after the specified ID)
- deleted InventoryLevels::_kf_ShopifyID field as not used
- updated Delete Inventory Level in Shopify script to correctly handle successful requests in native branch
1.5.11 - 2021-03-14
- added support for creating and updating Webhooks via the Shopify API
1.5.10 - 2021-01-28
- updated ShopifyAPIVersion custom function to 2021-01
- added Deprecated API calls script (retrieves a list of deprecated API calls made by your private apps in the past 30 days)
- added new script 'Get All Products for current Smart Collection from Shopify' that uses the new Collections API endpoint
- added support for downloading Order Metafields
1.5.9 - 2021-01-17
- updated ShopifyAPIVersion custom function to 2020-10
1.5.8 - 2021-01-07
- added Name field to Order Details layout
- optimised processing of bulk downloads (Orders, Products etc) by breaking each individual record into a separate $record variable within the loop
- Update Current Product from Shopify: fixed bug for silent operation so it only goes to the first/next record for the found set operation and exits the loop for non found set operations
- Get All Products: updated type parameter for the Update Current Product from Shopify subscript from "silent" to "silentFoundSet"
- Get All Product Variants: updated type parameter for the Update Current Product from Shopify subscript from "silent" to "silentFoundSet"
- miscellaneous bug fixes
1.5.7 – 2020-07-21
- updated
Get All Price Rules
script to count price rules before downloading and to use cursor-based pagination
1.5.6 – 2020-07-20
Create Product in Shopify [SERVER]
script: fixed bug with native branch when checking for existing Shopify ID (was checking the Product Variant not the Product)Create Product in Shopify
script: fixed typo when constructing the the $json parameter (had $variant instead of $product)
1.5.5 – 2020-04-20
- updated Webhooks Privilege Set to include FileMaker Data API (fmrest) extended privileges
- added Data API compatible versions of Webhook PHP files
- updated Update Current Order from Shopify script for Data API script step compatibility
- updated Process Webhooks Order script for Data API script step compatibility
- Product Variants: added example to download Product Variants
- Update Product from Shopify: updated to operate on the current record or the found set of records
- Products: added new fields to upload the SEO Title and SEO Description
1.5.2 – 2019-12-10
- updated the Set Inventory Level in Shopify script to operate on the current record or the found set of records
- added missing Show Custom Dialog step for found set uploads confirmation
1.5.1 – 2019-11-24
- fixed bug with Exit Loop test for when downloading Order Refunds
1.5 – 2019-11-23
- added new script: Update All Existing Inventory Items from Shopify [SERVER]
- added ShopifyAPIVersion custom function and updated all requests to support API versioning
- set ShopifyAPIVersion custom function to “2019-10”
- added getNextLink custom function for use with cursor-based pagination (replaces page-based pagination)
- updated download scripts to use new cursor-based pagination
- added RecordsLimit field to Interface table to allow user specified value for download multiple records from Shopify
1.4.3 – 2019-09-02
- added new Webhooks examples for Order Update and Order Cancellation
- fixed issue setting the cancelled_at value when updating an Order from Shopify
1.4.2 – 2019-08-30
- updated script Get All Products to fix issue with v16 native branch using plugin functions instead of native functions
- updated script Update All Existing Inventory Items from Shopify to fix issue with v16 native branch using plugin functions instead of native functions
- updated script Update Product Variant Inventory Levels from Shopify to fix issue with v16 native branch using plugin functions instead of native functions
1.4.1 – 2019-07-31
- updated to get the Fulfillment Shopify Location ID when downloading/updating Orders from Shopify
1.4 – 2019-07-31
- added example to create and update an Order Fulfillment in Shopify from FileMaker
- fixed an issue when navigating to an Order Fulfillment record
1.3.8 – 2019-07-02
- fixed an issue when setting the FlagPublished when downloading all Products under FileMaker Pro v16 or later
1.3.7 – 2019-07-01
- added example to download Products updated in Shopify between a date range
v1.3.6 – 2019-06-28
- updated Process Webhooks Order script to not install the plug-in under FileMaker Server v16 or later
v1.3.5 – 2019-06-25
- set all Number/Currency fields to use System Settings on layouts
- updated Get All Products script to check for existing Product by Shopify ID and skip if present
- Updating a Product Variant now also refreshes the list of Inventory Levels for the Variant/Inventory Item
- added example to download all Location Inventory Levels via Perform Script on Server
- increased paging limit when downloading Location Inventory Levels from 50 to 250
- added example to download Product Variant Inventory Levels
- updated Product Variant update to support updating the current record/found set of records
- added Product Title to Inventory/Location layouts
- added Cost field to Inventory Items (upload, download)
- added missing warning when uploading found set of Inventory Items
- updating Inventory Items from Shopify can now be performed on a found set of Inventory Items
- added script to Update All Existing Inventory Items from Shopify (batches of 100)
- updated to BaseElements plug-in to v3.3.8 (Code Signed) for FileMaker Pro 18 compatibility
- changed Trigger on OrdersDateTo field to OnObjectExit
- InventoryQty is not accessible in Browse mode as this is a read-only field now
v1.3.2 – 2019-02-20
- fixed issue downloading the Order Line Item taxable value
v1.3.1 – 2019-02-05
- added Referring Site to Order Details layout
- set Product Variant Price and Compare at Price fields to use System Settings on layouts
v1.3 – 2018-12-08
- updated for native FileMaker Pro v16 or higher functions/scripts
- Price Rules: updated to support prerequisite_quantity_range
- Customers: added Delete Customer Address example
- added support for Order Creation Event Webhook
- fixed issue with 16px navigation icon not displaying
- added ConvertComma custom function to handle number formats that include comma decimal separators
- updated to Base Elements plug-in v3.3.8
v1.2 – 2018-07-31
- added loop to ‘Get All Inventory Levels for current Location from Shopify’ script to download in batches of 50
- added ‘Create New Inventory Level’ buttons in the Inventory Items and Product Variants Form layouts
v1.1 – 2018-07-27
- added upload Product using Perform Script on Server example
- Product Variants: added examples for uploading, downloading and deleting individual Product Variants
- disabled deprecated ‘inventory_quantity’ from Product Variant uploads (use Inventory Level endpoint instead)
- added new tables: InventoryItems and InventoryLevels
- added examples for working with multi location Inventory
v1.0.6 – 2018-03-14
- added support for Product Variant Metafields
v1.0.5 – 2018-02-03
- updated the ShopifyPriceRuleJSON calculation to correctly handle Price Rules where the Ends At field is either empty or not
- updated Price Rules to support the new prerequisite_customer_ids property
v1.0.4 – 2018-01-09
- updated to set the Products FlagPublished field based on the published_at value when downloading Products from Shopify
v1.0.3 – 2017-12-28
- updated Get Orders to check for existing Order by Shopify ID and skip if already exists
v1.0.2 – 2017-09-13
- Products: added Delete Product in Shopify example
- updated Get All Orders script to use the Shop timezone setting when getting filtered orders by date range
v1.0.1 – 2017-06-18
- fixed privileges issue for trial version
v1.0 – 2017-06-13
- initial public release