fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) Trial Version

You can download a 14 day trial version of fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) here:

For FileMaker Pro v16 or later Download v2 Trial
Some notes about the trial version:

  • it's limited for 14 days
  • the file is locked and will stop working after 14 days
  • you will not be able to import data from the trial version into the version that you purchase
  • the Webhooks files are not included with the v2 trial version
  • you'll need to setup the Xero OAuth 2.0 app for authentication (see below for details)

The download is a .zip file – please make sure you unzip/extract the .zip file first before opening the fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) file. On Windows this can be done by right clicking the .zip file and select "Extract All". On the Macintosh you can simply double click the .zip file to unzip the file (if it was not unzipped automatically after it was downloaded).

Getting Started with the Trial Version

There are 2 files included with the trial:

  • fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) Single Organisation.fmp12: use this file if you only have a single Xero Organisation that you wish to connect to.
  • fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) Multiple Organisations.fmp12: use this file if you have more than one Xero Organisation that you wish to connect to.

Both files have the same Xero integration functionality, however the Multiple Organisations file has an additional table for tracking different Organisations and which records/transactions belong to each Organisation.

We recommend using a Xero Demo Company instead of your actual live Xero Organisation when testing (you can setup a trial with Xero as well), especially if you plan to test out uploading data from FileMaker to Xero (e.g. creating Contacts, Invoices, Payments etc). This allows you to test out the fmAccounting Link trial without having to worry about adding transactions and deleting them from your live Xero Organisation.

Creating the Xero OAuth 2.0 app

To use the trial you will first need to setup a Xero OAuth2.0 App on the Xero website. This involves creating a new Xero OAuth2.0 App and storing the Client id, Client Secret and Redirect URI in the fmAccounting Link file. We have a short video that demonstrates how to create your OAuth2.0 app (see bottom of page) or you can follow these instructions.

You will need to first create a new OAuth2.0 app in the Xero website in the My Apps page. Click the New App button to create a new App – you will be prompted to enter the following details:

  1. OAuth 2.0 grant type: select the Auth code Web app option
  2. App Name: use a name like fmAccounting Link (the App name cannot contain the word ‘Xero’)
  3. Company or application URL: enter your company URL or you can also enter fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) solution URL (
  4. Privacy policy URL: this is optional
  5. OAuth 2.0 redirect URI: this must be an HTTPS URL and the value in the App must also be exactly the same in the fmAccounting Link trial (you will get an error if these are not identical). If you’re not sure what to use here use the fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) solution URL:

Once you have clicked the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions click the Create app button to create your new OAuth2.0 app:

You will now be viewing the App Details screen – from here you need to generate a Client Secret by clicking the Generate a secret button at the bottom:

You now need to copy and paste the following into the equivalent fields in the fmAccounting Link file on the Organisations screen:

  1. OAuth 2.0 redirect URI
  2. Client id
  3. Client secret

N.B. the Client secret will only ever be displayed once and will not be visible once you click the Save button (you can always generate a new secret if necessary). Use the Copy buttons next to the Client id and Client secret to copy these one at a time into the matching fields in the Organisations screen of the fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) file:

Once you have copied across the above items make sure you click the Save button to save your OAuth2.0 app. You are now ready to test the link between the fmAccounting Link file and your OAuth2.0 app. Click the Authenticate button and it should prompt you to login and authorise your app connection. Once it has completed the authorisation process and taken you to the Redirect URL you entered when creating the Xero app click the Continue button in the bottom right hand corner of the window and it will generate the following:

  1. Access Token
  2. Expires At
  3. Refresh Token
  4. Tenant ID

These will be used to authenticate with your OAuth2.0 app from now on – you won’t be required to login to the Xero website unless your Refresh Token expires. Access Tokens expire after 30 minutes (we keep track of this in the Expires At field) and can be refreshed automatically using the Refresh Token. Refresh Tokens expire once they’re used or after 60 days: if you don’t refresh your access token within 60 days you will need to click the Authenticate button and reauthorise the app.

If you are using the fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) Multiple Organisations file we recommend creating a new OAuth 2.0 app for each Xero Organisation and entering these into the details for each Organisations table record. This helps keep these separate and prevents you from accidentally uploading data to the wrong Xero Organisation – you will only ever authorise access access to a single Xero Organisation for each OAuth 2.0 app.

You can also watch this short video below that demonstrates how to setup the OAuth2.0 app:

If you have any questions or need assistance getting started with the trial version please contact us for further assistance.

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